Payment Methods
Secure Checkout
At HorseLoop, we offer a variety of payment methods to make your transactions as easy and convenient as possible. We accept all major credit cards, as well as PayPal. If you prefer to pay offline, we also accept check or money order. Please note that payments made by check or money order may take longer to process.
Privacy & Safety
We use SSL encryption to protect your personal information during the checkout process. You can be confident that your data is safe with us. If you have any questions or concerns about our checkout process, please don't hesitate to contact us.
At HorseLoop, we take your privacy and safety very seriously. We use SSL encryption to protect your personal information, and we never share your data with third parties. We only collect the information necessary to process your transactions, and we keep that information secure. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy and safety policies, please contact us.
Payment Methods
Credit / Debit Cards
Offline Payments